Day 24 Psalm with Jesus quote

Who-is-the-king-of-gloryPsalms 24

Who is the King of Glory?

Pilate said to Jesus, “Are you a king?” Jesus answered, “You are right to say that I am a king”. (John 18:37)

(This is) a psalm of David

*1* The earth belongs to the LORD. Everything in it is his own. The world belongs to the LORD. Everybody in it is his own.

*2* The LORD built it on the seas. He founded it on the waters.

*3* Who can go up the hill of the LORD? Who can stand in his holy place?

*4* The person that has clean hands and a pure heart. The person that does not worship idols. The person that does not believe in lies.

*5* The LORD will do good things to those people. God will save them. He will say that they are right.

*6* They are the people that are looking for God. They want to see the face of (the God) of Jacob. SELAH

*7* Lift up your heads you gates (of the city). Lift up your very old doors. Then the king of glory will come in.

*8* Who is the king of glory? The LORD that is strong and mighty. The LORD that is powerful in war.

*9* Lift up your heads you gates of the city. Lift up its very old doors. Then the king of glory will come in.

*10* Who is the king of glory? The LORD Almighty. He is the king of glory! SELAH


Day 21 Psalm w/Jesus quote


Psalms 21


Jesus said, “We are going to Jerusalem. There they will kill the son of man. But 3 days later he will come to life again”. (Matthew 20: 18, 19)The son of man was a name that Jesus used for himself.

(This is) a psalm of David for the music leader

*1* LORD, the king is enjoying your power. He is very happy. You gave him help to win.

*2* (v2-5) You gave to him what he really wanted. You gave to him everything that he asked for. SELAH You met him and gave to him such good things:you put a crown of the best gold on his head he wanted to stay alive and you let him his life will go on, it will never finish he has great glory because you gave him help to win you gave to him honour and he now remains as king

*6* You will always do good things for him. He is very happy because you are with him.

*7* The king is relying on the LORD. Because the Most High is loving and kind, nobody will move the king.

*8* Your hand will find all your enemies. Your right hand will catch everybody that hates you.

*9* When they see you, you will burn them all. When you are angry, your fire will destroy them.

*10* You will remove their children from the earth. They will have no families anywhere.

*11* This is because they planned evil against you. They had really bad ideas and they did not work.

*12* You will make them turn their backs to you. This is because you will shoot your arrows at their faces.

*13* LORD, you are really strong. You sit on high. We will sing and praise your power.


Day 8 Why should we pray for them?

Day 8

1 Timothy 2:1 First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanks be offered on behalf of all people, 2 even for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.

“First of all”

” First of all, prayers. No matter what the work, no matter what the need. The Church’s strength starts with prayer. How much of the load is taken off someone’s back, because of; another’s prayer? Only the Lord knows. Paul’s message here is clear though. At the Church beginning there was this need for prayer. As it has continued on, there is still a need for prayer.

” v. 2 that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life…”

The best part of leading peaceful and quiet lives isn’t that we get to relax. It’s not that we’re free to fallow all or dreams or have our choice in careers. It’s not, never having our freedoms of speech and religion, challenged. It’s not so we can sleep soundly without the threat of war. Not that any of these are wrong. They’re all good things and God wants to use them to further His Church. Still, they aren’t the focus, they aren’t the reason to live quite peaceable lives. Jesus didn’t die so we could all just have easy, prosperous and safe lives. He died to save the world from sin. The reason for quiet and peaceable lives, is so we can focus on spreading the gospel, building the Church freely and financially. Not our own kingdoms but His.

When, we are not hindered by governments. When we are not having to defend our religious liberties, when we’re able to make a living. Live without the threat of war.  It’s not so we can take it easy. It’s so we aren’t  hindered in spreading  the gospel. This is why we are to pray for “kings and all those in authority…”.

Unfortunately what happens often times is, a nation or group having been living peaceably and quite due to prayers. Then begins to take it all for granted. Forgetting the importance of prayer. God will use these circumstances to bring people back to their knees. Still, it would’ve been better to have stayed on them in the first place.

Let’s look at the next verses. 3 “Such prayer for all is good and welcomed before God our Savior,”… Here we see that it is something God wants us to pray for, here’s why; “4 since He wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one intermediary between God and humanity, Christ Jesus, himself human, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all, revealing God’s purpose at his appointed time.”It’s all about the Gospel. It’s always about the Gospel.

The most important thing, First of all” to ensure that we can freely spread the gospel and live out our Christianity is as Paul instructed, is Prayer.  

So, pray today for all of our officials, no matter what office they hold. Pray first for thier salvation. Then pray that they would do thier jobs wisely and justly. That we will live peaceable and quite lives in order to focus on spreading the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ!

💜Kelly ClayWoo