Day 26 Psalm with Jesus quote


Psalms 26

Honest to God

Rev 21:5 Then God, who was sitting on the throne, spoke. ‘I am making everything new!’ he said. ‘Write this down, because these words are true. Everyone can believe them’, he said to me.

(This is a psalm) of David

*1* LORD, say that I always walk with you. Say that I will never stop trusting in the LORD.

*2* Examine me, LORD, and see what I am. Look inside me, at my feelings and thoughts.

*3* I will always walk in your good ways, because I can see that you are loving and kind.

*4* I do not sit with worthless men. I will not go with people that say that they are good, but they are not.

*5* I hate bad people that meet together. I will not sit with godless men.

*6* I will wash my hands to show that I have done nothing wrong. I will stand near your altar, LORD.

*7* I will say with a loud voice that you are great. I will tell people about all the wonderful things that you have done.

*8* LORD, I love the place where your house is. It is the home of your glory.

*9* Do not put my soul with sinners, or my life with murderers.

*10* In their hands are bad plans. Their right hands are full of bribes.

*11* But I will always walk with you. Make me free and be kind to me.

*12* My foot stands in a flat place. In the congregation, I will say that the LORD is wonderful.

Day 10 …”then I considered thier end”…(What to pray and how)


Surely in rains on the just and unjust. How does the just reaction affect unjust?

When Stephen was being stoned he looked up and saw Jesus. His face shown like an angel. Thoes around him could see it. The young Joan of Ark never let go of her story that God talked to her.  It’s recorded that when she was burned at the stake. All she was heard saying was “JESUS”. Many people, even ones who were a part of her execution, are reported to have began to cry and weep. Ironically these were people who’s armies faught against her’s. There was talk among the people, of fear of God, over what they had done. In both cases people who were foes were touched by the death of saints. No doubt some were touched enough to be brought into repentance.

The story of Jesus dying on the cross teaches this as well:
Matthew 27:58
When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”

There was an earthquake, yes, but the “all that had happened” was more than just the physical. 
Something happens. When people witness a person holding on to thier faith into death. When people can see even if there’s  distress or pain, the person of faith never turns to hatred. In the States and other places, where people are not myartered, we know Christians are accused of hate. For holding the tenants of thier faith. The attempt to intimidate believers, may cause, emotional, financial and legal distress. Still, the victims do not become hateful. They hold on to Jesus no matter what comes. In word and attitude. Their accusers, even if they don’t want to admit it, notice this.

The big picture…

Psa 17:15 “As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.” We know that no matter what comes against us in this life. One day we will wake up in His(Jesus) likeness. We shall be made whole. We will live with Him forever in glory.
This gets us excited but also, I want us to consider this from King David, “then I considered their end. “Ps.73:17. David was reminded that even when it seems like the bad guys are winning, they too will meet God. When we consider thier end, if they never repent, it should bring us to compassion.

Remember Jesus’ words “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”

Most of us will not die for our faith. Most of us live quite well and free actually. Sometimes it’s the little things. Maybe someone is mean to you. Maybe it has nothing to do with you being a Christian. Maybe they’re just mean and you don’t know why. Still, we need to pray for those plain mean folks. We need to pray for activist who seem, to have nothing to do, but pester nice people. We probably know this but sometimes we forget to pray that we handle things correctly.
Recently, I heard a news story. The headline was this: “Teacher forces students to say ‘ God’s not real'”. My first reaction was, “Oh here we go!” Until I heard more. This teacher was trying to teach the difference between fact and opinion. On the bases of provable verses not provable. There was a quiz with a series of excamples. “God is real” was one. The children who marked it as fact, had the question marked wrong. By the standard of the test, that it had to be provable it was not a fact. While I question the reason for putting it on the test. I also questioned some Christian parents reaction. Even though she had apologized for offending their  beliefs. Protesters were demanding her resignation or termination. The parents could’ve explained, to her why their children couldn’t say it wasn’t a fact. If they wanted to. I think more importantly though, they could’ve explained to thier children. That sometimes you can take your quiz being marked down, for your beliefs. Instead they were outraged and made all sorts of assumptions about this women. Spread these assumptions through out the community and social media. After I heard more of her story, I prayed that she realized not all Christians were so mean. I also prayed that people’s faith wouldn’t be so fragile; that they couldn’t  handle a challenge to it, without turning  into bullies. We will run into people who don’t understand, are faith. Even people who will be active against us because of it. We can hold our faith and still, treat them the way we’d like to be treated. This is the second part of that big picture. Consider their end and have compassion . Pray for them, love them.

We should have enough  confidence, that our God will have the last say. To have our faith questioned and challenged, loving others along the way.

We thank You Father. That because of Your Son’s work on the cross and resurrection. We are always and forever with You. That some day we will be in Your Son’s likeness. Hallelujah! We pray for our enemies. Lord softens their hearts towards You Lord.  I pray for Your Church Lord.  That we’d treat all people the way we’d like to be treated. That we’d remember it’s not about us and anything that might offended us. It’s about Your glory Lord. I pray that we would give glory to Your name. Not in our words only but in how we pray for and treat the lost. No matter their behavior towards us. That we would stand for truth, standing in Your love and power, Lord. In the wonderful name of Jesus. Amen.

💜Kelly ClayWoo

Day 8 Why should we pray for them?

Day 8

1 Timothy 2:1 First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanks be offered on behalf of all people, 2 even for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.

“First of all”

” First of all, prayers. No matter what the work, no matter what the need. The Church’s strength starts with prayer. How much of the load is taken off someone’s back, because of; another’s prayer? Only the Lord knows. Paul’s message here is clear though. At the Church beginning there was this need for prayer. As it has continued on, there is still a need for prayer.

” v. 2 that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life…”

The best part of leading peaceful and quiet lives isn’t that we get to relax. It’s not that we’re free to fallow all or dreams or have our choice in careers. It’s not, never having our freedoms of speech and religion, challenged. It’s not so we can sleep soundly without the threat of war. Not that any of these are wrong. They’re all good things and God wants to use them to further His Church. Still, they aren’t the focus, they aren’t the reason to live quite peaceable lives. Jesus didn’t die so we could all just have easy, prosperous and safe lives. He died to save the world from sin. The reason for quiet and peaceable lives, is so we can focus on spreading the gospel, building the Church freely and financially. Not our own kingdoms but His.

When, we are not hindered by governments. When we are not having to defend our religious liberties, when we’re able to make a living. Live without the threat of war.  It’s not so we can take it easy. It’s so we aren’t  hindered in spreading  the gospel. This is why we are to pray for “kings and all those in authority…”.

Unfortunately what happens often times is, a nation or group having been living peaceably and quite due to prayers. Then begins to take it all for granted. Forgetting the importance of prayer. God will use these circumstances to bring people back to their knees. Still, it would’ve been better to have stayed on them in the first place.

Let’s look at the next verses. 3 “Such prayer for all is good and welcomed before God our Savior,”… Here we see that it is something God wants us to pray for, here’s why; “4 since He wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one intermediary between God and humanity, Christ Jesus, himself human, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all, revealing God’s purpose at his appointed time.”It’s all about the Gospel. It’s always about the Gospel.

The most important thing, First of all” to ensure that we can freely spread the gospel and live out our Christianity is as Paul instructed, is Prayer.  

So, pray today for all of our officials, no matter what office they hold. Pray first for thier salvation. Then pray that they would do thier jobs wisely and justly. That we will live peaceable and quite lives in order to focus on spreading the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ!

💜Kelly ClayWoo