2 “What does that word Supplication mean anyway?” (What to pray for and how)


Praying always with all prayers and supplication in the Spirit(Holy Spirit). Eph. 6:18.

That’s the “How”, I think the “What” will be that we’d know what that word Supplication means?

Couple more questions:

Is supplication prayer? Yes. Is prayer supplication? Not always. Prayer is talking to God. We thank Him, we praise Him. We complain to Him.We causally make request of Him. We sometimes just sharing our thoughts with Him. All this is considered prayer.  It’s not supplication, lets look at the definition of supplication:



 the action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly.”he fell to his knees in supplication”
Interesting that it’s a noun. Remember 3rd grade? A noun is a person, place or thing. Yet the definition says it’s an action of asking or begging. Most of the time we’d think of prayer as an action. Us praying. Praying must be producing something. It produces a Prayer, of course! So is a Prayer,  something that can be held in your hand? Well maybe not our hands but there are places in the Bible that speak of the prayers of the saints being held in bowls. I’m not going to get into this being literal or figurative. There’s something spiritual going on here for sure. Either way it’s clear that somehow,  prayers become nouns. Back to 3rd grade,  they’re not a person they’re not a place, but prayers are  most certainly a thing. When we think of our words to God as not just vapors, fleeting thoughts and words, but something God can hold. It makes us, I believe, more aware of how  precious to the LORD our prayers are.
Now that we’ve established that prayers are nouns, lets look at the prayers that are Supplications. The first part of the definition is obvious and common. Asking. When we have prayer request, we don’t say “Would you supplicate for my mom?” No, we say, “Would you pray for my mom?” A request is supplication, even if we don’t use that word. The second part is, Earnestly. I find that interesting because earnestly means that your sincere, that you really mean what your saying. It seems obvious but then again, how many times have we prayed a prayer just because someone ask us to? Or because everyone else said “Amen” at the appropriate time, so we did too? Earnestly would mean you actually care about the outcome. Not just in the, “Sure I care.” but really truly care. We all battle with, being more concerned with things that don’t really matter. We all battle with self more than anything. We might too concerned our own wants or our own disappointments, to really have our hearts in it. We must, only by the power of the blood of Christ fight against this, to be earnest in your prayers.
 The 3rd word is Humbly. Here we are battling self again. Sometimes we even get angry with God, that He hasn’t done what we’ve been asking for. We feel we’re entitled to what we have coming. Well when we remember what we really had coming when Jesus stepped in and saved us filthy sinners, it kinda knocks us down a peg. Again this something we all struggle with. We must remind ourselves that God is the creator of all . He owes us, the creation nothing. Yet look at all He give us, including the right, yes he gives us the right, to come into His thrown. The thrown of what? Grace. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, Heb. 4:6. We only have the right to come to Him because of HIS grace. Grace is not what we deserve, grace is what He gives out of love.

So when the Bible talks about supplication, lets not just glaze over this uncommon word, lets remember the three: asking (or begging) ,earnestly, humbly. We need to check our own hearts, we can’t overcome our Self, on our own. Again it’s by His Grace that we can do so.

So lets pray for our request to be real supplications to God. That we’d understand the meaning of supplication, when we read or hear it. Pray that we come boldly to the thrown of grace, remembering that it’s grace that brings us there (Humbly). That His Son’s blood was shed so we could come, not because of anything we’ve done. Lets pray that we’d let all our request be known to God. Philip. 4:6(Asking) that we’d mean it with our whole heart, (Earnestly). Pray that the Lord search our hearts and correct us where we’re wrong, by the faith in the blood of His Son. That we’d remember that our prayers are precious to out Lord and Savior.

for the Glory of Christ…