3. It’s not a perfection, His grace fills in or gaps when we obey and love one another…(What to pray for and how)

Jn. 13: 35 By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, that you love one another.

Who’s disciples are we? Jesus’s. How will all people know this? Our love for one another.

I pray that all may be one…that the world may believe that you have sent me. Jn. 17:20,21

Jesus prayed that all his disciples would be one, so that the world would believe that God the Father sent Him. So obviously all us disciples aka believers or the saints being in one accord must be a very important testimony. Jesus told His disciples this would be a testimony to the world and He also prayed to the Father for it. This shows us that there is a special relationship between all believers. We have the most precious thing in common of after all, Jesus Christ.
We’ve all had our ups and downs with our fellow believers, The word tells us,  “Love covers a multitude of sins“. We all know we’re to love each other and forgive each other’s faults. We also know the truth is,  this is sometimes easier said then done.  It’s also true that in some circumstances, even among the saints it’s better to keep a casual relationship. Sometimes two people just can’t seem to get along. Sometimes people get along great but they seem to always get into trouble together, or maybe one is a drain on the other one spiritually. It happens, even in the church. We wont pretend it doesn’t. We’re saved but we’re still human, we’re still very flawed.
Being one doesn’t always mean everything is swell, but it should mean we all have the same purpose in our lives. We’re all running the same race. To bringing God the glory by becoming more like Christ. Christian means Christlike and that should be our aim. Individually and as a group.
Even if there’s that one person, you just don’t understand. You can’t get along with, or it’s better to stay away form. Your to love them, and we’re to me one. An important part of this is in prayer for each other, as Jesus prayed for us. Prayer for others is an act of love.
  Even so, I want you to, beware of four things when you pray for others. One, becoming too focused on other people’s sin or troubles to notice your own. Or don’t go to the other extreme, and be to afraid to talk to God about someone else when we have so many issues ourselves. We need to pray for other’s needs, including issues of sin. Third, don’t become overly focused on one person.This can be a sign that they’re taking up too much space in our minds and/or hearts. Be careful not to let them become an idol. Fourth. Don’t be afraid to pray for yourself as if your not worthy of prayer. It’s not about being worthy, If Jesus loved you enough to die for you, He loves you enough to want to hear your needs as well. He loves you as much as anyone else. BELIEVE IT.
Also we should regularly pray for the church as a whole, the saints we know and saints we don’t. If your going through something, you can assume someone else, out there, is going through that something. If your feeling discouraged, pray about it, for yourself and then add in, a prayer for anyone else who going through the same. This is an act of love.
I know all this can seem overwhelming, that your to pray for everyone’s everything. So you know,  It’s Okay to be brief, when your not sure of what’s going on in someone’s life. It’s Okay to pray for everyone you know at once. It’s Okay to pray the moment you see something to pray about and then move on. As long as your heart in the right place your obeying God, by praying for His church. It’s not a perfection, His grace fills in or gaps when we obey and love one another. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.“Cor. 12:9 Your Prayers are an act of love. We should just be real with God, and talk to Him about things we see.
It’s  our calling to be one. To love one another, you’ll find the more you pray for others, the more your love for them will grow. I’ve heard it said, many times that if your having trouble forgiving someone, a great way to began is to pray for them. Not that they’d see how the wronged you, but for their every need. Praying for each other is a great way to demonstrate to God or love, but also to grow in our love for each other.
The world may not hear our prayers but as our love grows they will see it. Jesus said, people know we fallow Him if we love one another.
Please pray for all the saints after you read this. Pray that we would all be one, in prayer and action. That even though we’re flawed and don’t always see eye to eye, that our love for each other would grow. That we would pray for each other and forgive one another. If there’s anyone you have trouble, with or forgiveness towards, please pray for them now. Any needs, you see, pray. Pray that you’d better understand and have compassion for those around you. Pray that your own love would grow for them. Pray that their love would grow for you.
I pray that whatever need you have in your life right now, that God in the name of Jesus would secure you in the faith that His grace is enough and He will come to your aid and fill your need. Amen.
Please pray also for anyone with that same need today.
Remember how much Jesus loves the church. Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. Eph.5:25.  Lets be Christlike have that love for each other in prayer.

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