Day 2 (Psalm w/Jesus quote)

Day 2

Psalms 2


God Rules OK!

John 14:1 Then Jesus said to them, ‘Do not let yourselves be sad and afraid. Believe God, and believe me also.

1 Why are nations planning together? Why are people having such stupid ideas?

2 (v2-3) Why are their kings saying, “We will not obey the LORD”? Why are their leaders saying, “We will not do what his Messiah says”?

4 He that is sitting above the skies will laugh. The Lord will say that they are stupid.

5 Then he will say angry words to them. He will make them very frightened because he is so angry.

6 He will say, “I myself put my king in Zion. I put him on my holy mountain”.

7 I will tell you what God has decided to do. The LORD said to me, “You are my son. Today I have given you the honour that goes with that name.

8 Ask me for anything! I will give you nations. The whole world can be yours.

9  You will rule them with an iron sceptre. You will break them like a clay pot”.

10 So now, you kings, be careful. You world leaders, listen to this:

11 Become the servants of the LORD. Remember that he is very powerful.

12 Kiss his son or God will be angry. He may be so angry that you will die. Only the people that come to the LORD are really happy. He will make them safe.

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